
Tax Alliance

The Tax Alliance allows you to provide your clients with the right advice when you might be outside of your field of expertise.

As part of The Tax Alliance, Nexia Edwards Marshall’s experienced advisors provide advice to firms on behalf of their clients from which practitioners and their clients benefit significantly. 

What is The Tax Alliance?

The Nexia Edwards Marshall Taxation division comprises a team of experienced advisors. We specialise in delivering solutions-based outcomes to assist clients in making important decisions concerning their businesses. Membership to The Tax Alliance gives you access to our vast accumulation of experience in advising on a wide range of taxation issues.

Tax Law is increasingly complex and voluminous. Clients typically ask their accountant for tax advice, or perhaps more commonly, accountants identify tax issues.

Clients rely on you to resolve tax issues that might be outside of your comfort zone. This may come with time-cost pressures as well as the stress of trying to resolve an issue that you may be uncomfortable with. Nexia Edwards Marshall’s Tax Alliance can help by giving your client access to the specialist tax advice they need.

Key Benefits

Tax Training

Nexia Edwards Marshall conducts five tax training sessions per year which provide informative and practical coverage of a range of current and relevant tax and business topics. Tax Alliance members are entitled to have up to three people from their firm attend each training session, which will count as CPD hours.

Phone call service

Sometimes you come across a tax issue for a client where it would be helpful to ask a tax specialist about it.

Nexia Edwards Marshall’s phone call service allows you to call any of our tax consulting team with a tax query. We will endeavour to resolve your query or perhaps point you in the right direction. Whilst this is not intended to be a complete substitute for your own research, we place no limitation on the number of calls you can make. If we can save you just a small amount of time or frustration over a year, this alone pays for the annual membership fee.

Responses are only verbal and cannot be relied on as advice. If the issue requires any research or a written response is desired, we can provide a fee proposal.

Complimentary meeting 

It is understandable that a client may be reluctant to commit to an engagement if they are not acustomed to paying for specialist advice. Accordingly, we are more than happy to have a brief meeting with you and your client – free of charge. This allows your client to fully explain their circumstances and we can discuss the relevant tax issues. 

Even if your client decides not to proceed any further, all it has cost is a small amount of their time. But this still enhances your relationship because recommending they see a tax specialist demonstrates that you are looking after your clients’ best interests.

Written advice

Tax is a risk issue for businesses, and just like any other business risk, it must be managed. Your clients pay insurance to manage the risk of their building being destroyed. In the same way, paying for tax advice is not just about getting the best tax result, it is also managing the risk of unnecessarily triggering a tax exposure. In addition, there are occasions where your client can only make an informed decision when the tax consequences are known. 

Where your client is confronted with this kind of significant tax issue, written advice may be warranted. This can be tailored to the needs and risk profile of your client. The following issues are typically ones where a client should seek written advice:

  • Qualifying for and applying the CGT small business relief concessions to a business or asset sale, including extracting the funds from a trust or company
  • Sell the business assets or sell the company?
  • Property transactions, including income tax, CGT, GST and main residence exemption
  • More complicated trust losses or Division 7A scenarios
  • Restructures, mergers and introducing or exiting owners of a business
  • International tax issues
  • Winding up entities.

Our advice is written in plain English. Your client will understand their position and be clear on anything required to be done or any recommendations.

Our approach

Fee proposals

Where written advice is required, we provide a fee proposal and scope for approval before any work commences. This ensures there are no surprises over the scope and cost of the advice.

We guarantee not to solicit your client

How we deliver tax advice to your client is entirely up to you. Some practitioners prefer that we have no contact with their client, while others are happy for us to liaise directly with their client. We work in whatever way suits you. The overriding principle is that you are our client and we guarantee not to solicit your client. The foundation of the Nexia Edwards Marshall Tax Alliance is the trust that practitioners have in us to deliver the best outcome for all.

Annual membership

The annual membership to join the Tax Alliance is $540 GST exclusive ($594 GST inclusive) and runs from 1 July to 30 June. 

With the five training sessions and phone call service, this program is exceptional value.


Please complete the below membership form to register:

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