
Oct 23, 2020 / News

NEMTV: 2020 Federal Budget Business Update

Watch Steven Wild discuss on the key elements for businesses in the 2020 Federal Budget. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Oct 07, 2020 / News

2020 Federal Budget Insights

We set out a summary of the key measures announced affecting business and individuals, and what they mean for you. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Oct 07, 2020 / News

Guide to the Federal Budget 2020

The 2020 Federal Budget, delayed by five months, prepared amidst a once-in-a-century pandemic that has ravaged the economy and up-ended so many norms of life, has now revealed the next chapter of this saga. We highlight key measures announced. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Oct 07, 2020 / News

NEMTV: 2020 Federal Budget Update

Watch Grantley Stevens and Paul Dimasi on the key elements of the 2020 Federal Budget. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Sep 29, 2020 / News

ATO now targeting wealthy private groups

Do you know all the tax risks amongst your affairs? If not, the ATO might soon discover them for you. ​ Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Aug 18, 2020 / News

JobKeeper changes – you must do some things by this Friday!

The JobKeeper Rules were amended last Friday (which the Treasurer has the power to do). These changes affect only the existing JobKeeper program, which runs until 27 September. The extension after that, with tightened eligibility, has not yet been legislated. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Jul 23, 2020 / News

2020 blues, Budget & beyond

The government today released its economic and fiscal update. Although it’s grim reading, we are faring better than most countries. Here’s a quick summary of some of the more recent news and measures that would be of interest to business owners. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Jul 22, 2020 / News

JobKeeper 2.0 – Beyond the facts & figures: what you need to do

JobKeeper was necessarily designed and implemented in a very short time-frame, and so some waste had to be accepted in return for haste. Treasury has now had the opportunity to review the program. The government yesterday announced plans for a second phase of the JobKeeper program for business. However, the eligibility criteria will be tightened, and it will be more precisely targeted. Read more

Business Consulting / COVID-19 / Taxation

Jul 16, 2020 / News

Lower company tax rate, higher risk of double-taxation

It was a simpler time. Your business made a profit, paid 30% company tax. You then extracted the remaining 70% as a dividend when it suited, and you paid the balance of tax up to your personal rate. But now, things aren’t so simple. And, surprise-surprise, it could cost you more tax. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Jun 22, 2020 / News

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Management Issues

As the end of the FBT season draws to a close it is timely to reflect upon common FBT management issues faced by clients and errors we’ve seen in FBT returns prepared by others. Read more

Business Consulting / Education / Taxation

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