
Mar 23, 2022 / News

Employee or contractor? – the goalposts have shifted

It’s an age-old issue for which getting it wrong has generated more and more consequences over time. An oversight such as treating someone as an independent contractor when in fact they are an employee could lead to a number of unwanted consequences. Read more


Mar 17, 2022 / News

ATO’s new regime for scrutinising your family trust

Each year, anyone with trusts in your affairs (or your tax advisor) needs to be mindful of a number of anti-avoidance and integrity regimes. Section 100A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 has always cast a shadow over trusts, but has never received the level of attention it perhaps should have. Read more


Feb 22, 2022 / News

(Almost) forgotten anti-avoidance rule is about to get your attention

Anyone with trusts in their affairs needs to be mindful of several anti-avoidance regimes. We discuss one in particular that could have the widest application. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Jan 12, 2022 / News

Business Structures - Service Trusts for Medical Professionals

Is your medical business structured in the most tax effective manner? Eliza from the Health Care team touches on the use of service trusts and the tax benefits they offer. Read more

Health / Taxation

Jan 12, 2022 / News

Professional Services Income (PSI) - Impact on Medical Professionals

Have you ever wondered why you can’t split your income from your medical practice to your spouse? Lachlan from the Health Team discusses Professional Service Income and how it impacts you. Read more

Health / Taxation

Oct 22, 2021 / News

Director Identification Numbers – It’s time!

From 1 November 2021 new directors will have only 28 days to apply for their Director ID. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Aug 04, 2021 / News

Massive penalties apply for paying superannuation late

Late payment of super can lead to penalties equal to 200% of the amount of superannuation payable. Read more

Superannuation / Taxation

Aug 04, 2021 / News

New year brings opportunities and risks

Well, what a year it was. With two Federal Budgets, one recession, one recovery, and a pandemic – the latter two still in progress – we may well be happy to see the end of 2020-21. But as we look forwards, there is still a long way to go. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

May 12, 2021 / News

Guide to the Federal Budget 2021

As we now allow ourselves the indulgence of thinking about a post-pandemic world, the goal of the 2021 Federal Budget is to support our economic recovery. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Mar 19, 2021 / News

FBT Year End Planner - Ideas and possibilities for your business

Ideas and possibilities for your business Read more

Business Consulting / FBT / Taxation

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